The Sacrament of Baptism
In Baptism you take on an important commitment; you promise to help your child to grow in Christian faith. Your child is unique and precious in the sight of God and in Baptism the Christian community of the parish welcomes a new member. All are welcome to participate in this happy event, particularly the parents, godparents, relatives, neighbours and friends of the person being Baptised.
Baptisms in St. Finian's Church are on the second and fourth Sunday of every month at 12:30pm.
Baptisms on Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
All Baptisms to be booked one month in advance.
Preparation meeting is usually on the Wednesday prior to the Baptism in the Church at 8:00pm.
Our Baptism Team
We have a vibrant baptism team here in St Finian’s parish however, as we have a lot of baptisms we need a lot of members. At this stage we are in need of some new members! This is a very joyful and satisfying ministry and involves being part of a baptism every eight weeks (approximately) on either the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month and a forty minute meeting on the previous Wednesday. The parish Baptism Team are looking for new members to join their team. Training will be provided. Time commitment for this ministry is four Sunday’s a year. Do you think this ministry is for you? If so please contact Grace on 087 265 9400.
Certificates for Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage
Certificates can be requested via email, or by phone or by calling to the sacristy or parish office. Email is the most efficient way. Please include the following details: name, date of birth and approximate date of ceremony. If you send a stamped SAE with €5, we will post the certificate to you.
Statistical Information for the Archdiocese
We have recently sent back the annual statistics form to the Diocese which is sent onto Rome. The statistics for St Finian’s parish recently were:
Baptisms 132
Confirmations 105
Preparation for Marriage 59
Funerals 19
Pre-nuptial enquiry forms prepared for Marriages which took place elsewhere 53