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The following are notices and upcoming events in St Finian's Church:

Sunday, 9th February 2025

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Times



10.00 am in St Finian’s Church (except Mondays - a Holy Communion service replaces the 10.00 Mass)



Saturday Morning: 11.00 am
Saturday Vigil: 5.30 pm
Sunday: 10.00 am, 12.00 pm.


All Masses and other Services in St. Finian's Church

are available on our webcam.​


Communion Services In the Grouping of Parishes:


St Finian’s Church Every Monday at 10am

St Colmcille’s Church Every Thursday at 10am

St Cronan's Church Every Friday at 10am

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WE HAD NO WINNER this week of our Jackpot, though three people matched three numbers.  Next week's prize will be €6,400.


Thank you to all who participate in the parish Lotto every week. 

Don't forget to pick up your Lotto envelope at the church!


All Lotto envelopes must be submitted by 6.00pm every Sunday night. All funds from the Lotto draw will be used to complete works on both St. Finian’s Church and Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church - including renewal of ceiling and floors, and waterproofing and painting of exterior walls.


Please note that all Lotto envelopes should be posted through the Donation box on the wall just inside the church door and not through the parish office letterbox. Thank you for your support. Best of luck to everyone who enters our draw.


Click here to check the weekly LOTTO RESULTS

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WE WELCOME ALL our First Holy Communion Children and their Parents and Guardians to our Mass this Sunday.

We welcome all Parents /Guardians of all First Holy Communion children on Thursday 13th February at 7.30pm to an night of prayer and reflection in preparation for their Child's First Holy Communion and Reconciliation.



Why not start the New Year with joy and peace? Book the Rosary Statue for a week and notice the difference that praying the Rosary brings. Just leave your contact details with Stephanie in the parish office (01 8409043) or with a member of the Legion of Mary. Brona (086 2104151).

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THE ANNUAL COLLECTION for Accord, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will take place next weekend 15th Feb/16th Feb. This collection will replace the usual Share collection.


On Saturday the 8th of February our Partnership will come together to celebrate Mass with Anointing of the Sick. Mass will be at 10.00am in St Patricks' church, Donabate, with the Anointing of the Sick.


​THANK YOU for all your donations to the parish during the year,  we really could not manage without your kindness and generosity.

​WE REGRET THAT our on-line service for downloading weekly missalettes, (run by RPD), has now come to an end. You may prefer a Sunday Missal of your own though. If you get in touch with the parish office by emailing we will gladly order one for you. They cost €15.



Sat 8th February
11.00am: Marie McKeavenay (RD)
John O’Dwyer (AN)
Vigil at 5.30pm
Sarah & John Cafferkey (AN)
Jim Dillon Kelly (8th AN)
Thomas Devaney (AN)
David Gorman (RD)
Conor McCarthy (RIP)

Sun 9th
10.00am Dermott Flynn (RD)
Mary Walker (AN)
Patrick Walker (AN)
12.00 noon Kay Murphy (RD)


Tues 11th

Marcella Malone (RD)

Bernadette Moen (RD)


Wed 12th

Christina King (RD)


Thurs 13th              

Liam Curran (RD)


Fri 14th  

Marcella Malone (RD)

Liz Hayes (RD)


Sat 15th        

11.00am: Mary Ward (1st AN)

Marie Warren (RD)

Vigil at 5.30pm

Sean Murphy (AN)

Kathleen & Denis Scanlon (AN)

Bobby Cunningham (AN)

Tess Cunningham (RIP)

Matt Whelan (RD)

Jim Farrelly (RD)


Sun 16th    

10.00am Maureen Walsh (RD)
Kathleen Healy (RD)

12.00 noon Pat Fleming AN)

Ann & Michael Maxwell (AN)

Eileen Gorman (AN)

Rita Stapleton (AN)


ST VINCENT DE PAUL will be having its monthly outdoor collection this weekend after all Masses.


SINCE THE NIGHT of Holy Thursday, spending quiet time in prayer with the Lord in the Eucharist has been central to the Christian way of life. Here in St. Finian’s, we have special times when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed so that you may come and pray.

Mon: 8am - 10am
Tues: 8.00am - 10am and 10.30am - 11.30am
Wed: 8am - 10am
Thurs: 8am - 10am
Fri: 8am - 10am and 5pm - 6pm

Sat: 9am - 11am

Come and spend some time with the Lord.


We continue to pray the Rosary during the week at 9.15 am before our 10.00am Mass.

CONFESSION is available every day after Mass.



We invite you to join our Lectio Divina group - starting Thursday 6th February.

Lectio Divina or "divine reading," is an ancient practice of engaging deeply with God’s Word through meditation, prayer, and contemplation. It’s a beautiful, contemplative way of engaging with Scripture.


Every Thursday 10:45am to 11:30am starting 6th February 2025
Every Thursday 7:30pm to 8:15pm starting 6th February 2025


Where: Our Lady’s Oratory, St. Finian’s Church, River Valley

Whether new to Lectio Divina or have practised it before, all are welcome to deepen their faith in a warm, supportive group setting.

NEW FAMILY OFFERINGS ENVELOPES will be ready for distribution soon. If you can help deliver boxes to households please get in touch with Steph at All of the money that comes into the parish from these envelopes stays within the parish and helps towards the running and upkeep of our church. If you would like to change from your family offering envelope to a standing order please see Steph in the office.

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WELCOME into our Faith Community all the children who will be baptised this Sunday:

​Darcy Rose Gavigan Lally

Liam Brian Howell

Hugo Peter Carr

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